Special Report - NUUI's Special Correspondent in Kabul Provides Complete Coverage of the War Zone.

Introduction - by Noah

Chapter One - Cooling My Heels in London ( 16 / 12 / 01 )

Chapter Two - Flying with Russians to Kabul ( 19 / 12 / 01 )

Chapter Three - Photos from Kabul ( 19 / 12 / 01 )

Chapter Four - Christmas in the Land of Islam ( 24 / 12 / 01 )

Chapter Five - Have Dead Goat, Will Travel ( 30 / 12 / 01 )

Chapter Six - Photos of Daily Life and Fun and Games ( 7 / 1 / 02 )

Chapter Seven - High Voltage Heavy Drinking ( 18 / 1 / 02 )

Chapter Eight - Another Week in Paradise ( 1 / 2 / 02 )

Chapter Nine - Goin' Gonzo in Kabul ( 13 / 2 / 02 )

Chapter Ten - Photo's from the Day at the Zoo ( 18 / 2 / 02 )

{Hiatus from 1/ 3 / 02 to 23 / 5 / 02 for R&R back in the States}

Picture Archive from the Land at the Top of The World

Chapter Eleven - Back to School ( 24 / 5 / 02 )

Chapter Twelve - Back in the Saddle ( 28 / 5 / 02 )

Chapter Thirteen - After the Fall, Only the Roaches are Left ( 29 / 5 / 02 )

Chapter Fourteen - Leaving the Limey's to Their Well Deserved Fate ( 31 / 5 / 02 )

Chapter Fifteen - Armageddon - MTV Style ( 4 / 6 / 02 )

Chapter Sixteen - Paranoid In Pakistan ( 6 / 6 / 02 )

Chapter Seventeen - Deja Vu ( 13 / 6 / 02 )

Chapter Eighteen - Love, American Style ( 14 / 6 / 02 )