Military News and Information Links

Here are my favourite links on military matters. Private Intelligence sources, public think-tanks, and the U.S. Military itself. If you have a question, it is most likely listed at one of these sites. Sites that are more oriented towards current events or specific topics (like WWII), are listed seperately.

News Links

Janes Information Group - The premier private intelligence service on the planet Used as a source by everyone (national military and intelligence establishments included) to 'sanity check' their information on what everybody else is up to. Jane's has been business forever, being charted by the English crown to spy on the Spanish Armada, if memory serves me correctly. Hands down, the best source for all your information needs. Extremely expensive for the individual to buy, but if your library (or military educational institution) receives the periodicals you will be better informed than anyone else you meet. I cannot recommend them enough. Occasionally they will have excerpted reports (as the report on Bin Laden and the Al-Queda organization) from their periodicals at a reasonable price. Buy all of them, you won't regret it..

Federation of American Scientists - The best non-partisan group on military matters. This is the best source for finding information on general military issues, as well as specific military equipment and organizations. Janes is much more in depth, with a plethora of in-depth analysis and actual battlefield reports, but this is free! I think John Pike (the director of Golbal was the man who set up the military information on the pages for FAS. That's probably why he gets to cross-post it on his site, but don't quote me, that's just a guess. - A great site of various current news wires - all quoting someone from Global Security, of course. It has very good source information of military matters (technology and organization), much of it cross-posted from FAS.

Weapon Links

AFV Database

Tracked APC And Weapon Carriers Section

Ferret Scout Car - One day this will be my SUV. Cheaper than a Hummer, dependable, and it has a turret. What more could you ask for?

Map Links

Harvard Map Collection: USGS Legend

Russia and FSU Maps
UT Library Online - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - Asia Maps
Search query is "map" - From the CIA, a very good jumping off point.
Generations Press books & Maps

Specific Information Links

THE DYNAMICS OF RUSSIAN WEAPON SALES TO CHINA: Table of Contents - Interesting reading for you China watchers out there. A bit dated, but great background none the less.
China's Military Power -- Appendix - Again, great background.
Welcome to the SSI Homepage

Operation Desert Storm


WWII Links

Travel to this Link on my site to get the full story.

WWII Military Organization Symbols Key

General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library

Google Search: size of military units


Organization and Equipment

Army Units

American Superconductor

Northern Alliance

INTRODUCTION Afghanistan Intelligence Agencies

Iran-Iraq War

SAS, British Special Air Service, from the desert in `41 to the Gulf. Special forces

Intelligence Resource Program

Technology aims to assist tomorrow's infantryman without adding to his burden - Jane's Defence News

U.S. Policy in Afghanistan: Challenges & Solutions

DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
The Chief of Staff of the Army's Recommended Reading List
Market Review: Fighting Ships 2001 2002
Army Posture Statement FY00
IDEX 2001 international defence exhibition


An Energy Bonanza?