Fm 71-3
The Armored and Mechanized Infantry Brigade


Section I. General
Section II. Battle Command Procedures
Section III. Standing Operating Procedures
Section IV. Reports



____BDE____DIVISION ( )



H-1. Purpose. This TSOP prescribes guidance for conducting sustained tactical operations. Specifically, it standardizes recurring operational routines, procedures, and responsibilities executed by both organic and supporting organizational elements within the brigade.

H-2. Application/Scope. This TSOP covers only wartime operations after deployment. It does not repeat doctrine, tactics, or techniques provided in FMs, TMs, and MTPs. It applies to all organic, assigned, attached, and OPCON units. It also applies to all supporting units operating in or occupying areas within the brigade's area. All TSOP provisions apply except as modified by OPORDs and OPLANs.

H-3. Directed Supporting Documents.

  1. This TSOP and all subordinate TSOPs incorporate all current provisions of FMs, TMs, Army and division regulations, STANAGs, joint agreements, and status of forces agreements.
  2. Each brigade staff section develops and implements standard TSOPs to govern procedures for their own functional areas. Staff section TSOPs must conform to the procedures this SOP contains.
  3. Each subordinate unit publishes a TSOP that supports and conforms to the brigade TSOP. The brigade commander approves subordinate unit TSOPs.

H-4. Proponency. The brigade XO and battalion XOs are proponents for their respective TSOPs. Ensuring compliance of established TSOPs throughout the brigade is a command responsibility monitored by commanders and staffs at all levels.

H-5. Changes.

  1. Submit changes through the appropriate coordinating staff officers to the brigade XO.
  2. The brigade XO coordinates all changes.
  3. The brigade commander is the approval authority.


This section describes operating procedures for brigade command and control. This section in not all inclusive. It establishes the basic guidelines for procedures and operation of CPs. Subordinate units develop their own CP SOPs to conform to guidance in this TSOP.

H-6. Succession of Command.

  1. Brigade succession of command is brigade commander, maneuver commanders by seniority, brigade XO, and brigade S3. If the brigade has a deputy commanding officer versus an XO, the deputy commanding officer assumes command before the maneuver commanders.
  2. A new commander will notify the next higher headquarters and all subordinate headquarters of the change of the brigade commander.
  3. Succession will be automatic upon the commander's death, capture, or evacuation. The brigade XO should be notified as soon as possible to publish assumption of command orders.

H-7. Alternate Command Posts.

  1. The brigade alternate main CP when in contact is the TAC CP until the brigade rear CP assumes duties.
  2. The alternate main CP is activated when
  3. If the main CP is destroyed or otherwise inoperable, the following units and/or organizations assume the functions listed in Table H-1 until the main CP is regenerated and operational.
  4. The TAC CP's alternate CP is the command group. Activation criteria are the same as for the alternate main CP.
  5. The rear CP alternate CP is the FSB CP.
Table H-1. Temporary units and organizations functions.
Command Center Rear Command Post
Operations/Planning/A2C2 Tactical Command Post
S2 Operations
Fire Support Element Direct Support Artillery Battalion
Engineer Engineer Battalion
Air Defense Artillery Air Defense Artillery Battery
Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Brigade Chemical Platoon
Signal Officer Signal Platoon

H-8. Command Post Shift Cycles. All brigade and battalion CPs conduct staggered shift changes. Shifts of duty are 12 hours long. Change-of-shift briefs must not disrupt continuous performance of CP functions.

H-9. Displacement Operations.

  1. CP displacement for all brigades and battalions is by echelon so command and control of subordinate forces is uninterrupted.
  2. Before movement, "A" and "B" echelons must have redundant capability to perform CP functions.

H-10. Security.

  1. Each CP is responsible for establishing its own security.
  2. Off-shift personnel sleep in or near fighting positions surrounding the CPs.
  3. Fighting positions are designated as being 360 degrees around the CP.
  4. CP security elements establish a security zone from 500 meters to 1 kilometer, dependent on METT-T, around the CP. They conduct the following operations to interdict enemy ground forces:
  5. The CP operations NCO coordinates the employment of the security force.
  6. Access to a CP is controlled only when using classified material. Control is accomplished by limiting access to one entrance and by checking identification.
  7. Additional security measures are implemented as the situation dictates.

H-11. Orders and Plans.

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the time used in all brigade OPORDs is ZULU.
  2. The brigade XO and S3 have the authority to issue WOs in the brigade commander's name.
  3. The brigade XO and S3 have the authority to approve and issue written FRAGOs in the brigade commander's name.
  4. The main CP S3 operations element provides sequential numbers preceded by the current fiscal year for all brigade written orders (Example: OPORD 98-1, 98-2, 98-3). The S3 operations element of all subordinate and supporting units is responsible for issuing orders numbers for their command.
  5. The following procedures apply when publishing orders:
    1. The S3 has overall responsibility for orders and plans.
    2. Staff sections review and sign annexes if they are submitted for separate distribution. If they are distributed with the order, annexes are not signed.
    3. The brigade sends verbal FRAGOs by the most expeditious means available (followed by hard copy and overlay by couriers).
    4. The brigade uses the following guide for annexes:
  • Annex A. Task Organization
  • Annex B. Intelligence
  • Annex C. Operations Overlay/Concept of Operations
  • Annex D. Engineer
  • Annex E. Army Aviation
  • Annex F. Air Defense
  • Annex G. Fire Support
  • Annex H. A2C2
  • Annex I. Electronic Warfare
  • Annex J. Signal Operations
  • Annex K. Deception
  • Annex L. Psychological Operations
  • Annex M. Nuclear, Biological, and
    Chemical Defense/Smoke Operations
  • Annex N. Military Police
  • Annex O. Rear Operations
  • Annex P. Service Support
  • Annex Q. Movement
  • Annex R. Civil Affairs
  • S3
  • S2/S3
  • S3
  • ENGR
  • S3/ALO
  • ADO
  • FSO
  • S3/ALO/ADO
  • S2/FSO/IEW
  • SO
  • S3
  • S3
  • NBCO
  • MP
  • S3/XO
  • S4
  • S3/S4
  • S3
  1. Subordinate units acknowledge receipt of OPORDs to the issuing CP. Subordinate units submit one copy of all orders and overlays to the S3 operations element. S3 operations element is responsible for reproducing copies for internal use and distribution.
  2. When the brigade is not committed to combat operations, the elements listed in Table H-2 receive copies of the OPLANs for the upcoming operations. This list is only used when there is sufficient time to reproduce and distribute a complete order.
Table H-2. Elements receiving copies of the operation plan.

Brigade Commander




Brigade Main Command Post


Brigade Tactical Command Post


Division Main Command Post


Division Tactical Command Post


Subordinate Battalion


Subordinate Battalion


Subordinate Battalion


Attached Battalion


Attached Battalion


Direct Support Artillery Battalion


Engineer Battalion


Aviation Battalion


Forward Support Battalion




Commander, HHC


Air Defense Artillery


Signal Platoon


Military Police Platoon


Adjacent Units



  1. The brigade uses FRAGOs and WOs when it is committed to combat operations. Written copies go only to commanders and staff officers who need to know.
  2. Keep the proliferation and copying of orders to the absolute minimum at all times.
    1. The brigade S3 maintains a historical file (one copy) of all orders the brigade headquarters issues and of those received from higher and adjacent headquarters. All other copies are destroyed within five days after the complete execution of the base order.
    2. After issuing the brigade order, the brigade S3 assumes control of any division, corps, or joint task force orders in the headquarters.
  3. PLs from higher headquarters will not be renamed.
  4. In brigade OPORDs and on operations maps, brigade objectives (for the battalions) will be used. The related division objective (to the brigade) is in parenthesis before or above the brigade's specified objective. Battalions must incorporate this procedure into their TSOPs.
  5. The brigade orders group assembles to receive or disseminate oral or written orders. Orders-group members assemble by organic transportation at a location and time the commander designates. The commander may call one of three orders-group compositions shown in Table H-3, depending on the situation.
  6. Orders group designees normally do not bring subordinate commanders and staff to orders-group locations. Vehicle drivers provide temporary local security.
Table H-3. Orders-group compositions.
Brigade Commanders with Command Group
Battalion Commanders
Brigade Commander
Battalion Commanders/
Aviation Battalion Commander
Reconnaissance Troop Commander
Brigade Commander
All Battalion Commanders /S3s/FSOs
All Coordinating Staff
All Special Staff


H-12. Task Organization. Table H-4 shows the routine task organization of the organic brigade elements and represents the brigade's standard combined arms fighting organization for combat. This grouping applies until specifically changed by verbal or written OPORDs, FRAGOs, or WOs. This task organization is the basis for most brigade movement, and tactical employment planning.

Table H-4. Task organization.
____Mech Co ____Armor Co ____Armor Co
____Mech Co ____Armor Co ____Armor Co
____Armor Co ____Armor Co ____Armor Co
____Armor Co ____Mech Co ____Mech Co
____Recon Element
____FA Bn (DS)
____Engr Bn
____IEW Tm (DS)
____ADA Btry
____Sig Plt
____MP Plt
____Cml Plt

H-13. Control Methods and Procedures.

  1. Liaison Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Procedures.
    1. Under the XO's supervision, the brigade employs organic LO teams to provide reciprocal liaison functions from the brigade to the following units as needed:
      • Adjacent units.
      • Main effort brigade.
      • Follow and support effort brigade.
    2. The receiving headquarters provide administrative support for LO teams.
    3. The receiving headquarters administrative support provides for LO teams or individuals, including accommodations and rations; and maintenance, fuel, and lubricants.
    4. Before leaving the parent headquarters, the LO teams
      • Obtain maps, call signs, overlays, and orders for upcoming operations.
      • Understand the commander's intent.
      • Obtain the current operations status from the operations center.
      • Check all staff sections for information to forward to higher or adjacent headquarters.
      • Note any task organization changes.
      • Obtain written copies of FRAGOs, WOs, contingency plans, and OPLANs (when available).
      • Obtain phone numbers, secure fills, and radio frequencies.
      • Notify the XO of their departure.
    5. After arriving at the receiving unit, the LO teams:
      • Report to the receiving unit Chief of Staff or XO with their parent unit's current situation, status, location, and plans.
      • Contact the parent unit, informing it of their arrival (receiving an update, if required).
      • Review the receiving unit's situation and identify problems.
      • Exchange information with each receiving unit staff section as required.
      • Inform the XO or Chief of Staff of their anticipated departure.
      • Obtain required or available copies of FRAGOs, WOs, contingency plans, and OPLANs for subordinate units of the receiving headquarters.
    6. After returning to the parent unit, LOs must brief the XO or S3 on the following information pertaining to the supporting headquarters status, including as a minimum:
      • Upcoming operations and mission requirements for the supported unit (contingency plans, OPLANs, and FRAGOs).
      • The commander's intent for current and future operations.
      • Current and projected priorities for CS and CSS.
      • Changes in task organization and organization for combat.
      • Updated unit locations.
      • Any other specific information required by the parent unit's commander.
  2. Standard Operational Brevity Code Words. During all radio and wire communications, all units under brigade control will use the operational code words listed below to shorten transmission time.
BINGO . Switch to second alternate frequency.
BLITZ Move; move to; move out.
BOG An area that will not support the unit's heaviest vehicle. For example, "Route HAWK, klick 6 to klick 7, bog."
CANDLES Artificial illumination. For example, "Request candles, B71."
CHATTER Communications jamming. For example, "There is chatter on my internal."
CHECKPOINT An easily identified point such as a bridge or intersection on a route of march.
COLD Area clean of enemy.
DUMP TIRS TIRS has been compromised; cease use until further notice.
DYNAMITE Air defense warning that alerts the force to inbound or attacking aircraft NOW. It requires immediate response.
ESTABLISHED The unit has consolidated a position at the designated control measure location. For example, "We have established A21."
FIRESTRIKE An immediate FA mass fire mission that delivers about one module of ammunition.
FIX Send your location to me. For example, "Fix, out." Send me the location of ________. For example, "Fix T3J22, out."
FLASH, FLASH Clear the net immediately, critical traffic follows.
GAS Chemical attack.
GEIGER CHASE Radiological survey or monitor. For example, "Geiger chase N21 to W33."
GEIGER SOUR Area monitored or surveyed is contaminated.
GEIGER SWEET Area monitored or surveyed is not contaminated. For example, "From A21 to W33, Geiger Sour; D51, is Geiger Sweet."
GET Put specific person designated by call sign on the radio. For example, "Get F11, out."
GUIDONS Net call. Subordinates answer to branch and unit sequence (infantry, armored, artillery, engineer) by unit numeric designation. Companies use letter sequence; platoons use numeric sequence.
HOSTILE A unit, vehicle, or aircraft positively identified as enemy.
HOT An area occupied by enemy.
HOT STEEL Immediate FA mass mission that delivers about 10 modules of ammunition.
HUSH Levels of signal security. (HUSH one-free net; HUSH two - directed net; HUSH three - directed net with radio-listening silence imposed.)
IRON HAMMER replanned FA mission that delivers about one module of ammunition against a specific EA.
JAILBREAK Radio-listening silence is lifted.
KLICK One klick equals one kilometer (one grid square on a 1:50,000 or 1:100,000-scale tactical map).
LONG RUN Movement by alternate bounds.
MIDDLEMAN Radio relay.
MODULE A FA 155-mm standard ammunition package consisting of a battalion six DPICM.
NOTHING HEARD The station called does not (or did not) answer. For example, "X79, this is H22, nothing heard, out."
ORDERS Oral orders to follow, prepare to copy, put the call sign principal on the radio (see also get).
PLOT General enemy and friendly summary and commander's assessment; a quick, informal exchange of information between commanders and operations officers; not a formatted report.
PRESENT A call sign principal report to a specified location. For example, "F37 present at N26, 30 minutes."
RUN-IN A code word used by a moving unit during a rearward passage of lines to warn friendly units that it is "running" toward them and that enemy forces are pursuing it.
SET Used during a maneuver to indicate that the sender (bounding unit) has completed its bound and is prepared to overwatch from its present position (see also established).
SILENCE Absolute radio silence imposed on all net users (said three times).
STAND TO A time at which a unit has achieved a readiness condition in which it is fully prepared to fight (readiness condition [REDCON] 1).
STAR BURST A rapid dispersal of a unit to avoid enemy aircraft. Elements turn violently left or right as appropriate, and drive away from each other while jinking. All weapons are oriented to engage enemy aircraft.
SWITCH Change to an alternate frequency. Specify which frequency by the frequency designation or the call sign of the commander of the frequency to be used. For example, "Switch ALPHA JULIET (Antijamming); Switch N5F32" (the unit frequency whose commander is N5F32).
THUNDER Immediate FA mass mission that delivers about three modules of ammunition.
THUNDER RUN A high-speed (50-kph or faster) road movement in march column formation. The commander normally leads.

  1. Terrain Index Reference System.
    1. The brigade uses TIRS to provide a quick, accurate method of controlling the maneuver of units, passing out control measures, and "fragging" a change in mission. It is used with checkpoints, PLs, and other graphic control measures.
    2. The user pinpoints the location by shifting on a horizontal-vertical scale from the TIRS point to the locations.
    3. On secure radios, use TIRS in the clear. For example, "From Y17, Right 1.5, up .5." The listener finds point Y17, then measures 1.5 kilometers to the right (east) and .5 kilometers up (north) to find the desired location.
    4. On nonsecure methods, encode the numeric portion of the TIRS.
    5. TIRS is established from higher to lower. The brigade S3 designates TIRS for the brigades' battle space. Subordinate headquarters may establish supplemental TIRS. TIRS is always alphanumeric. The first character is the only letter and is allocated as shown in Table H-5.

      Table H-5. Supplemental terrain index reference system.
      Brigade Tactical Command Post/Brigade Main Command Post
      Brigade Rear Command Post
      1st Battalion
      2d Battalion
      3d Battalion
      Aviation Battalion
      Reconnaissance Element/Troop
      Artillery Battalion (Direct Support)
      Attached/Operational Control Units
      Brigade Spares

      1. Do not use TIRS when requesting fires or denoting enemy locations. Use only target numbers or grids.
      2. Subordinate brigade units use only those TIRS designated by the brigade.
    6. If a TIRS map or overlay is lost, captured, or compromised, the responsible headquarters will report the code words, "Dump TIRS--(echelon code)" to higher headquarters. Full notification and reestablishment of a new TIRS is a command action. The echelon code indicates the highest level of compromised TIRS: DISTANT = Division, BELOW = Brigade, BASE = Battalion, CELLAR = Company.
  2. Division Recognition Techniques.
    1. Combat Vehicle Marking System. The division's combat, CS, and CSS vehicles are marked for rapid identification from the rear and sides (see Figure H-1). This enhances control during battle by providing quick and easy visual identification of units on the battlefield. It also helps when reconstituting forces and in the prevention of fratricide. This section prescribes standard symbols for marking division vehicles. The following restrictions apply when marking vehicles:
      • Use only standard chemical-agent-resistant coating paint (black and sand).
      • Markings apply to all specified vehicles within the organization.
      • Markings consist of numbers and chevrons of the style and size this section describes; locations are standardized.
    2. Major Subordinate Command Vehicle Markings. Vehicles of the divisions MSCs are identified by a combination of a single half-chevron and a two-digit numeric identifier. They always begin with a zero and have a single half-chevron placed immediately adjacent and to the right of the numeric identifier. Assigned division MSC numeric identifiers are:
      • 00\ Division headquarters and headquarters company.
      • 01\ 1st brigade.
      • 02\ 2d brigade.
      • 03\ 3d brigade.
      • 04\ Aviation brigade.
      • 05\ DIVARTY.
      • 06\ DISCOM.
      • 07\ DIVENG.
    3. Unit Identifiers. Table H-6 shows the digits and symbols that are assigned to division units.
    4. Marking Size. The space between the numbers and the half-chevron on vehicle markings is 2 inches. Side and rear markings are placed on doors or other flat surfaces and must not be obstructed by equipment, camouflage nets, or other miscellaneous items. Marking location and size may be adjusted to accommodate the type of vehicle.
    Table H-6. Unit identifiers.
    Div HHC
    1st Bde
    3d Bde
    02\ 2d bde 04\ Avn Bde 5 __/__TAB
    ___ADA Bn
    ___Engr Bde
    ___Cav Sqdn
    ___MI Bn
    ___Sig Bn
    ___MP Co
    ___Cml Co

    1. Separate Battalions, Squadrons, and Companies. Vehicles assigned to division units are identified by a half-chevron and a two-digit numeric identifier combination. The first digit of the two-digit identifier designates the battalion or squadron and the second digit identifies subordinate company, troop, or battery-size units. The accompanying half-chevron identifies the vehicle as a division separate battalion, squadron, or company. These half-chevron identifiers are placed immediately adjacent and to the left of the numeric identifiers. Division unit identification markings are:
      • /1 Engineer brigade.
      • /2 Cavalry squadron.
      • /3 ADA battalion.
      • /4 MI battalion.
      • /5 Signal battalion.
      • /6 Division main and FSBs. (Note. /60 = MSB; /61 = 1st FSB/62;= 2d FSB; /63 = 3d FSB).
      • /7 MP company.
      • /8 Chemical company.
    2. Company, Troop, and Battery Markings. Company, troop, and battery-level units are assigned the following numbers:
      • 0 Headquarters and headquarters company/troop/battery.
      • 1 A company/troop/battery.
      • 2 B company/troop/battery.
      • 3 C company/troop/battery.
      • 4 D company/troop/battery.
      • 5 E company.
    3. Platoon Markings. Platoons (or sections) are identified by the application of a single or double directional chevron. They are applied along with battalion- and company-equivalent identifiers. Figure H-2 shows platoon identifiers.
    4. Vehicle Top Markings. When directed, combat vehicles near or used in CAS missions will display one US17 panel on top of the vehicle. Panels must be removed after CAS missions if air superiority is not maintained. Chemical lights are placed on top of all vehicles for night recognition by friendly aircraft. Three lights are placed horizontally on any flat, open surface, protected from observation by enemy forces (see Figure H-3).
  3. Signals.
    1. Standard NATO signals are used throughout the brigade to direct tactical formations and tactical actions.
    2. Flag Signals.
      1. Flags are issued to armored and mechanized units for control purposes and as alternate means of communications within these units. Flag signals, once understood, are repeated and executed at once.
      2. When used alone, flag colors have the following meanings:
        • Red danger, or enemy in sight.
        • Green all clear, ready, or understood.
        • Yellow disregard, or vehicle out of action.
      3. During periods of limited visibility, flashlights with colored filters or colored chemical lights may be substituted for flags.
  4. Alarms and Warning Procedures.
    1. Enemy Attack. Warning color codes indicate the probability or likelihood of enemy attack or contact. These color codes apply to all combat action operations:
      • White attack or contact is not likely.
      • Yellow attack or contact is likely.
      • Red attack or contact is in progress or is imminent.
    2. Chemical Attack. The warning for a chemical attack is given by a continuous series of three short vehicle horn sounds, metal-on-metal, or electronic chemical alarms, and the words "Gas, Gas, Gas."
    3. Air Attack. The warning for an air attack is given by the words "Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite" along with the general direction from which the attack is coming. Continuously sounding a vehicle horn augments voice warnings.
    4. Indirect Fires. The words "Incoming, Incoming, Incoming" warn of indirect fires.
  5. Threat Condition (THREATCON). The S2 develops THREATCON based on enemy capabilities, actions, sightings, and assessments of terrorist factors. THREATCONs dictate appropriate adjustments to security plans and manning levels of CPs or base defenses. Subordinate commanders may designate higher THREATCONs based on the local situation.
    1. The THREATCON is a two-digit warning which is passed throughout the entire division's rear area to ensure receipt. The first digit is numeric (1-5) and is based on the overall threat. The second digit is alphabetic (A-D) and is based on terrorist assessments.
    2. The THREATCON is based on the enemy's capabilities as shown by the IPB, past and present actions of enemy forces in the rear area, and any sightings of enemy forces in the rear area. A level of 1 indicates the lowest assessment of threat; 5 indicates the highest threat assessment; for example:
      1. Enemy capability.
      2. Enemy sightings in area.
      3. Enemy activity in area.
      4. Attack probable.
      5. Attack imminent.
    3. In determining the THREATCON, the assessment factors of existence, capability, history, trends, and targeting are considered.
      1. Alpha indicates a low assessment.
      2. Bravo indicates a medium assessment.
      3. Charlie indicates a high assessment.
      4. Delta indicates an imminent assessment.
  6. Readiness Condition. All brigade elements use the readiness criteria in terms of time to state current readiness status or to direct the attainment of a specific readiness status in anticipation of combat operations.
REDCON ONE: I am fully ready to execute the assigned
mission and will initiate execution on
receipt of orders.
REDCON TWO: I can be ready to execute an assigned
mission in 15 minutes.
REDCON THREE: I can be ready to execute an assigned
mission in 30 minutes.
REDCON FOUR: I can be ready to execute an
assigned mission in 1 hour.
REDCON FIVE: I can be ready to execute an assigned
mission in hours.
(Specify number if more than one hour.)

  1. Fixed Call Signs. On enemy contact, the brigade uses the fixed call signs shown in Table H-7 when using secure communications.
Table H-7. Fixed call signs





Brigade Main Command Post


Brigade Tactical Command Post


Brigade Rear Command Post


1st Battalion


2d Battalion


3d Battalion


Aviation Battalion


Artillery Battalion (Direct Support)


Forward Support Battalion


Engineer Battalion


Intelligence Electronic Warfare Team


Air Defense Artillery Battery


Signal Platoon


Military Police Platoon


Chemical Platoon





Executive Officer



Suffix + Bravo (that is 3B)

Command Sergeant Major














Battalion Maintenance Officer


Fire Support Element/Coordinator




Air Liaison Officer


Army Airspace Command and Control




Signal Officer


Provost Marshal Officer


Inspector General


Public Affairs Officer


Table H-7. Fixed call signs (continued).



Staff Judge Advocate




Note. The brigade uses nickname, historical phone directory, or call-sign listings
(names listed here are examples only).



S3/Air 3


Liaison Officer


Main Command Post Operations


Tactical Command Post Operations


Rear Command Post Operations


Net Call Station






Radiotelephone Operators



1st Platoon/Scouts


2d Platoon/Mortar


3d Platoon/Support


4th Platoon/Maintenance


Communications Platoon




Chemical/NBC Reconnaissance Platoon



Platoon Leader


Platoon Leader Wingman/1st Squad


Platoon Sergeant


Platoon Sergeant Wingman/2d Squad


3d Squad


4th Squad


Table H-7. Fixed call signs (continued).




A Company/Troop/Battery APACHE

B Company/Troop/Battery BANSHEE

C Company/Troop/Battery COMMANCHE

D Company/Troop/Battery DRAGONS

AT Company/SVC Battery EAGLE

Headquarters and Headquarters Company/Troop/Battery FOXTROT


Commanding Officer


Executive Officer


First Sergeant


1st Platoon Leader


2d Platoon Leader


3d Platoon Leader


Weapons Platoon Leader









Ground Surveillance Radar


Air Defense Artillery


Attack Helicopter



If you are a mechanized infantry company commander (C Company) cross-attached to a tank battalion, your call sign would be CM6. This avoids the confusion of having two C Companies in the net.

H-14. Tactical Road Movement.

  1. Responsibility. The S3 operations, located at the brigade's main CP, is responsible for all tactical road movement planning. The TAC CP controls tactical movements.
  2. Planning Factors. (Planned for standard task organization.)
    1. Rate of March.
      • On all-weather, hard-surfaced, four-lane, limited-access roads, the rate of march will be 29 mph or 48 kph.
      • On all other roads, 20 mph or 32 kph.
      • In congested urban areas, 12 mph or 20 kph.
      • During blackout, 10 mph or 16 kph.
      • During Blitz or Thunder Run, at the fastest speed possible.
    2. Intervals
      • Between vehicles: daylight, 50 meters. At night and within city or village limits, 25 meters.
      • Between march units: 2 minutes.
      • Between serials: 5 minutes.
    3. Convoy Composition.
      • Ten to 24 vehicles per march unit (maintain tactical integrity).
      • Two to 5 march units per serial (maintain tactical integrity).
      • Maximum 5 serials per convoy (maintain tactical integrity).
    4. Halts. Periodic rest and maintenance halts planned and conducted for 20 minutes after the first 2 hours; 10 minutes every 2 hours thereafter.
    5. Illumination. Vehicles in a convoy will have their lights on low beam. Blackout driving will be in effect forward of the light line if required by light conditions.
    6. Convoys moving in the same direction will not pass one another without permission from the TAC CP.
    7. Reports. The MPs will call over secure nets, in all convoy reports (lead vehicles crossing point) at SPs, TCPs, RPs, and any other critical points when the unit is crossing.
    8. Convoy Control.
      • Each battalion is provided a block of time for movement.
      • Subordinate battalions commanders will appoint serial and march unit commanders.
      • Disabled vehicles will be left to the side of the route of march for pick-up by trailing maintenance and recovery elements.
    9. Security. At least one alert air guard or observer will be posted per vehicle during movement; weapons are to be oriented for 360-degree engagements.
  3. Standard Orders of March for Tactical Movements. The brigade will conduct tactical movements on one or two routes.
    1. One route of march:
      • Brigade Unit
      • Armor Battalion
      • Brigade TAC CP
      • Military Police Platoon
      • Artillery Battery
      • Mechanized Battalion
      • Artillery Battalion(-)
      • Main CP
      • Armor Battalion(-)
      • FSB Platoon
      • Brigade Troops
      • Mechanized Company
    2. Two routes of march:

      ROUTE A

      ROUTE B

      Battalion Scouts
      Quartering Parties
      Combat Unit
      Mechanized Battalion
      Artillery Battalion(-)
      Armor Battalion
      FSB Platoon
      Battalion Scouts
      Quartering Parties
      Combat Unit
      Armor Battalion
      Artillery Battalion(-)
      Brigade Troops

    3. Standard orders of march are subject to redesign based on the nature of future operations and METT-T.
  4. Units task-organized to support an organic brigade unit (DS, attached, OPCON, assigned) move with the supported unit. All others are inserted into the march order as the situation dictates.
  5. Route Priorities.
    1. Movement of tactical units and unit displacement have priority over other moves. Other priorities are as follows:
      1. MEDEVAC.
      2. Combat unit.
      3. CS.
      4. CSS.
      5. CSS resupply moves in order of transportation priority.
      6. Combat unit moves to rear to assembly areas.
      7. CS units move rearward.
      8. CSS moves to rear.
      9. Infiltration moves (moves without clearance).
    2. The brigade S4 denotes routes in the brigade's sector (except MSRs), and reports their status through the FSB to the DISCOM MCO.
    3. The S3 IAW the division highway regulation plan develops the traffic circulation plan.
  6. Refugee and Host-Nation Traffic Movements.
    1. Refugee and host-nation traffic is routed on secondary roads (other than MSRs) when possible.
    2. Movements of host-nation traffic (10 or more vehicles, or 100 or more people) must be coordinated with the S3 through the division transportation officer before movement.
    3. With host-nation law-enforcement personnel, brigade MPs will assist, direct, and/or deny movement of host-nation traffic and refugees.

H-15. Assembly Area Occupation. (This also applies to occupation of attack positions.)

  1. Composition of Assembly Areas.
    1. The brigade establishes two separate and distinct assembly areas within the division assigned brigade assembly area, a tactical assembly area, and the BSA. They are normally from 17 to 25 kilometers apart.
    2. During the occupation of all assembly areas, 12 o'clock is always North.
    3. Units occupying the BSA report to the rear CP. Other elements report to the S3 operations at the main CP.
    4. The brigade tactical assembly area is occupied by the following elements:
      TAC CP and Main CP (collocated) Center Sector
      Artillery Battalion, Engineer Battalion, and Brigade Troops Center Sector
      1st Battalion 12-4
      2d Battalion 4-8
      3d Battalion 8-12
    5. The BSA is occupied by the following elements:
      Rear CP Center Sector
      1st Battalion Field Trains 10-12
      2d Battalion Field Trains 12-2
      3d Battalion Field Trains 2-4
      Artillery Battalion Field Trains 4-6
      FSB 6-8
      Engineer Field Trains 8-10
  2. Quartering Party Procedures. The brigade's quartering parties move to and occupy its assembly area in two phases. After receiving the brigade's movement WO, all phase I elements move to a location designated by the brigade S3, near the vicinity of the TAC CP, four hours before the phase II start time. Phase I elements have priority on all routes during this movement.
    1. Phase I (Battalion Scouts). Battalion scout platoons augmented with ADA and engineer sections conduct route reconnaissance and area reconnaissance of assembly areas. Designated mechanized infantry units follow the scouts and emplace TCPs as necessary.
    2. Phase II (Battalion Quartering Party). Battalion quartering parties consist of battalion CP elements and one vehicle per company-size element. Company quartering parties consist of one vehicle per platoon.
  3. Unit Quartering Party Procedures. The unit quartering party prepares the assembly area for occupation by the main body by :
  4. Unit Occupation Procedures.
    1. The main body moveswithout stoppingthrough the RP to the designated location to picks up its guides.
    2. Each subordinate element flashes a standard unit-recognition signal at the RP, and pick up their guide without stopping.
    3. Vehicles do not stop or halt until reaching the platoon RP. The quartering party then guides the lead vehicles to their locations.
    4. Units verify final vehicle and weapons positioning. They also clarify fire planning and obstacle plans, if necessary.
    5. All units refuel (rearm if necessary) from organic assets on arrival.
    6. Units must report if they have lost 10 percent or more of their strength (vehicles or weapons systems) during the movement.
  5. Communications.
    1. Wire communications are used within each assembly area.
    2. All quartering parties report SPs, checkpoints, RPs, and mission-completes to the parent headquarters' CP via FM or MSE communications.
    3. Mission-complete indicates that all quartering party tasks have been performed, unit areas have been designated and marked, and guides are in position to guide main body elements to their positions.
    4. The subordinate unit SOPs must establish recognition signals to aid in recognition and identification of parent units during times of limited visibility.

H-16. Other Tactical Operating Procedures.

  1. Linkup Operations.
    1. Coordination Checklist (not in priority):
      • Command relationship of units and the effective time.
      • Enemy situation and obstacle plans.
      • Mutual recognition signals.
      • Communications plan.
      • Schemes of maneuver and graphic control measures.
      • FS and FSCMs.
      • Primary and alternate linkup points.
      • Requirements for liaison exchange.
      • Assistance required.
      • Alternate plans if initial linkup fails.
    2. Stationary Unit. Assistance the stationary unit can normally provide:
      • Guides.
      • Lanes through obstacles of airhead.
      • Traffic control.
      • Limited logistic, medical, and maintenance support.
      • Information on recent enemy activity.
    3. Moving Unit. Assistance the moving unit can normally provide:
      • Limited logistic, medical, and maintenance support.
      • FS.
  2. Relief-in-Place Operation.
    1. Coordination Checklist (not in priority):
      • Time for the relief.
      • Routes, guides, and linkup points.
      • Assembly areas and positions to be occupied.
      • Liaison, reconnaissance, and advance parties.
      • FSCM.
      • Obstacle plans.
      • Passage of command.
      • Call signs.
      • Frequencies.
      • Recognition signals.
      • The disposition of relieved unit supplies (POL, ammunition, rations) that the relieved unit will not take with it.
      • R&S plan.
      • Direct fire plans.
      • Enemy situation.
      • Friendly situation.
    2. Sequence of Events (for relief in contact and not in contact).
      1. After receiving the division WO, procedures for tactical road movement go into effect. The brigade reconnaissance troop conducts route reconnaissance from the brigade's present location to the AO of the unit to be relieved and makes initial linkup with the unit being relieved.
      2. The brigade's TAC CP follows to collocate with the TAC CP of the unit being relieved. It establishes linkup points for battalion coordination parties.
      3. Passage of Command. The incoming unit brigade commander assumes command of the sector and OPCON of all units within the sector at the established SP time for the relieving unit to begin moving from an assembly area to conduct the relief.
  3. Forward Passage of Lines. (Applies only when enemy forces are not within direct or indirect-fire range of the in-place unit.)
    1. Coordination Checklist (not listed in priority):
      • Time for the passage.
      • Routes, guides, and linkup points.
      • Assembly areas.
      • Liaison, reconnaissance, and advance parties.
      • Passage corridor SP and RPs through the in-place unit.
      • FS (direct and indirect).
      • Obstacle locations and lanes.
      • Passage of command.
      • Call signs.
      • Frequencies.
      • Recognition signals.
      • ADA coverage and weapons control status.
      • Enemy and friendly situation.
    2. Sequence of Events. The TAC CP moves to collocate with the TAC CP of the unit being passed through as well as establishes linkup points for battalion coordination parties and begins coordination.
    3. Passage of Command. The passing brigade assumes control of the unit it passes at the established SP for movement out of an assembly area to begin the passage.
  4. Rearward Passage of Lines.
    1. Sequence of Events. The TAC CP coordinates the following:
      • The location of in-place units and obstacles throughout the in-place unit's area.
      • The passing unit's tactical disposition.
      • The location of the BHL.
      • The tactical assembly area and routes out of the tactical assembly area (if not provided by division).
      • The passage lanes and PPs to support the scheme of maneuver.
      • The contact point for each passage lane and the guide requirements.
      • The routes to each contact point.
      • The route from each passage lane to the tactical assembly area.
      • Detailed locations of units and obstacles.
      • The locations of rally points.
      • The CSS responsibilities.
      • Arrangements for additional reconnaissance.
    2. Passage of Command. Tactical control of the passing unit passes to the stationary unit at a designated time established by higher headquarters or at a time coordinated between the two units.
    3. Sequence of Passage:
      • Rear CP with MP platoon.
      • FSB.
      • Chemical platoon.
      • Main CP.
      • Engineer battalion.
      • Aviation battalion.
      • Reserve (if not committed).
      • Supporting effort battalion with attachments.
      • TAC CP.
      • Command group.
      • Main effort battalion.
    4. Isolated or Cut-Off Units or Individuals. Units or individuals isolated, cut off, or forced to conduct passage of lines through an area or unit other than as previously coordinated will use the following procedures:
      1. Attempt radio contact.
      2. Establish contact with the stationary unit using challenge, password, and recognition signals in SOIs.
      3. Execute passage.
    5. Hasty Passage (Run-in). Run-in is used when enemy actions prevent the execution of a previously coordinated passage.
      1. The run-in unit disengages and moves into formation for passage.
      2. On the radio, the run-in unit provides:
        • The complete call sign.
        • Prowords. (For example, "Run-in, Run-in.")
        • Number of vehicles in the passing element (in the clear).
        • Transmission authentication. (For example, "This is W7N36, run-in, run-in, three. I authenticate DELTA, FOXTROT.")
      3. Retransmit the above data until receiving a reply or completing passage.
      4. The moving unit stays on clearly defined routes; it conducts run-ins with vehicle headlights on, weapons oriented toward the enemy, and armored vehicle recognition signs facing friendly units.
  5. River Crossing Operations.
    1. Crossing Force Headquarters.
      1. Location: brigade TAC CP. When available a division engineer group CP collocates with the brigade TAC CP.
      2. Crossing force commander: appointed by division commander.
      3. Crossing force engineer: senior engineer element commander.
    2. Crossing Area Headquarters.
      1. Crossing area commander: brigade XO.
      2. Crossing area engineer: senior engineer supporting the brigade.

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