Notes on Army Field Manuals Listed Below
FM 3 - Operations (Tactics, Offense / Defense, Logictics, etc.)
FM 27-10 - The Law of Land Warfare (Hague & Geneva Conventions and UCMJ)
FM 3-34.2 - Combined-Arms Breaching Operations (How to 'Kick in the Door')
FM 3-90 - Tactics (Tactics, Offense / Defense, Logistics, etc.)
FM 3-97.6 - Mountain Operations (How to deal with Central Afghanistan)
FM 6 - 22.5 - Combat Stress (Was Patton Correct?) {.pdf, HTML coming soon}
FM 17 - 15 - Tank Platoon (Small armoured unit tactics)
FM 71-1 - Tank and Mechnnized Infantry Company Team (What does a Company do?)
FM 71-2 -The Tank and Mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force (What does a Battalion do?)
FM 71-3 - The Armored and Mechanized Infantry Brigade (What does a Brigade do?)